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[VCB-Studio] 기동전사 건담 THE ORIGIN [Ma10p_1080p]

[완결] [VCB-Studio] 기동전사 건담 THE ORIGIN [Ma10p_1080p]
등록일: 2023-04-23 17:53:40  
  [VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [Ma10p_1080p].torrent (317.1 K)  
  [VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [Ma10p_1080p].zip (329.2 K)  

2015년부터 2018년까지 공개된 기동전사 건담 시리즈의 신작 애니메이션 프로젝트.

원작은 야스히코 요시카즈의 코믹스 모빌슈트 건담 디 오리진.[1]

기동전사 건담 UC처럼 OVA 형식으로 제작되고 발매전에 2~4주동안 극장을 통한 이벤트 상영이 진행된다.

[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [Ma10p_1080p].torrent
CDs/[150225] 「星屑の砂時計」/服部隆之 Presents GUNDAM THE ORIGIN featuring yu-yu (flac+webp)/Scans/01.webp (736.44KB)
CDs/[150225] 「星屑の砂時計」/服部隆之 Presents GUNDAM THE ORIGIN featuring yu-yu (flac+webp)/Scans/02.webp (1008.25KB)
CDs/[150225] 「星屑の砂時計」/服部隆之 Presents GUNDAM THE ORIGIN featuring yu-yu (flac+webp)/Scans/03.webp (1.63MB)
CDs/[150225] 「星屑の砂時計」/服部隆之 Presents GUNDAM THE ORIGIN featuring yu-yu (flac+webp)/Scans/04.webp (1.35MB)
CDs/[150225] 「星屑の砂時計」/服部隆之 Presents GUNDAM THE ORIGIN featuring yu-yu (flac+webp)/Scans/05.webp (1.06MB)
CDs/[150225] 「星屑の砂時計」/服部隆之 Presents GUNDAM THE ORIGIN featuring yu-yu (flac+webp)/Scans/06.webp (583.13KB)
CDs/[150225] 「星屑の砂時計」/服部隆之 Presents GUNDAM THE ORIGIN featuring yu-yu (flac+webp)/Scans/07.webp (564.26KB)
CDs/[150225] 「星屑の砂時計」/服部隆之 Presents GUNDAM THE ORIGIN featuring yu-yu (flac+webp)/Cover.jpg (74.46KB)
CDs/[150225] 「星屑の砂時計」/服部隆之 Presents GUNDAM THE ORIGIN featuring yu-yu (flac+webp)/RZCD-59790.cue (1.05KB)
CDs/[150225] 「星屑の砂時計」/服部隆之 Presents GUNDAM THE ORIGIN featuring yu-yu (flac+webp)/RZCD-59790.flac (92.11MB)
CDs/[150225] 「星屑の砂時計」/服部隆之 Presents GUNDAM THE ORIGIN featuring yu-yu (flac+webp)/RZCD-59790.log (3.51KB)
CDs/[150225] 「星屑の砂時計」/服部隆之 Presents GUNDAM THE ORIGIN featuring yu-yu [24bit_96kHz] (flac)/01. 星屑の砂時計.flac (110.62MB)
CDs/[150225] 「星屑の砂時計」/服部隆之 Presents GUNDAM THE ORIGIN featuring yu-yu [24bit_96kHz] (flac)/02. 星屑の砂時計(instrumental).flac (106.87MB)
CDs/[150422] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 01 [24bit_96kHz] (flac)/01. 「機動戦士ガンダムTHE ORIGIN」メインテーマ.flac (70.76MB)
CDs/[150422] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 01 [24bit_96kHz] (flac)/02. 苦悩する心たち.flac (33.55MB)
CDs/[150422] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 01 [24bit_96kHz] (flac)/03. ダイクンの死.flac (21.31MB)
CDs/[150422] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 01 [24bit_96kHz] (flac)/04. 立ち上がる民衆.flac (27.86MB)
CDs/[150422] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 01 [24bit_96kHz] (flac)/05. ジンバ・ラルの思惑.flac (33.60MB)
CDs/[150422] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 01 [24bit_96kHz] (flac)/06. キシリア・ザビ.flac (26.70MB)
CDs/[150422] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 01 [24bit_96kHz] (flac)/07. 謀殺.flac (28.19MB)
CDs/[150422] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 01 [24bit_96kHz] (flac)/08. 幼きアルテイシア.flac (18.29MB)
CDs/[150422] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 01 [24bit_96kHz] (flac)/09. 血塗られたザビ家 C-1.flac (41.38MB)
CDs/[150422] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 01 [24bit_96kHz] (flac)/10. By Your Side ~CLUB EDEN BGM ver.~.flac (87.34MB)
CDs/[150422] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 01 [24bit_96kHz] (flac)/11. 威圧.flac (30.57MB)
CDs/[150422] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 01 [24bit_96kHz] (flac)/12. 密談.flac (24.60MB)
CDs/[150422] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 01 [24bit_96kHz] (flac)/13. オデッサの激戦 M-4.flac (18.32MB)
CDs/[150422] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 01 [24bit_96kHz] (flac)/14. ローゼルシアの人生.flac (35.19MB)
CDs/[150422] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 01 [24bit_96kHz] (flac)/15. 無邪気なお願い.flac (23.76MB)
CDs/[150422] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 01 [24bit_96kHz] (flac)/16. 思索の塔.flac (42.28MB)
CDs/[150422] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 01 [24bit_96kHz] (flac)/17. 作戦開始.flac (13.95MB)
CDs/[150422] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 01 [24bit_96kHz] (flac)/18. 永遠の別離.flac (24.17MB)
CDs/[150422] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 01 [24bit_96kHz] (flac)/19. RTX-65 ガンタンク.flac (35.66MB)
CDs/[150422] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 01 [24bit_96kHz] (flac)/20. 地球連邦軍駐屯部隊.flac (33.43MB)
CDs/[150422] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 01 [24bit_96kHz] (flac)/21. ドズル、キレる.flac (29.69MB)
CDs/[150422] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 01 [24bit_96kHz] (flac)/22. サバイバルジャンプ.flac (28.50MB)
CDs/[150422] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 01 [24bit_96kHz] (flac)/23. 密航.flac (47.82MB)
CDs/[150422] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 01 [24bit_96kHz] (flac)/24. 新たな世界へ.flac (52.80MB)
CDs/[151029] 「風よ 0074」/服部隆之 Presents GUNDAM THE ORIGIN featuring 石田匠 [24bit_96kHz] (flac)/01. 風よ 0074.flac (99.67MB)
CDs/[151029] 「風よ 0074」/服部隆之 Presents GUNDAM THE ORIGIN featuring 石田匠 [24bit_96kHz] (flac)/02. 風よ 0074(instrumental).flac (96.38MB)
CDs/[151223] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 02 [24bit_96kHz] (flac+jpg)/Scans/01.jpg (2.70MB)
CDs/[151223] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 02 [24bit_96kHz] (flac+jpg)/Scans/02.jpg (2.67MB)
CDs/[151223] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 02 [24bit_96kHz] (flac+jpg)/Scans/03.jpg (2.89MB)
CDs/[151223] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 02 [24bit_96kHz] (flac+jpg)/Scans/04.jpg (771.66KB)
CDs/[151223] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 02 [24bit_96kHz] (flac+jpg)/Scans/05.jpg (716.10KB)
CDs/[151223] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 02 [24bit_96kHz] (flac+jpg)/Scans/06.jpg (1.03MB)
CDs/[151223] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 02 [24bit_96kHz] (flac+jpg)/Scans/07.jpg (1.01MB)
CDs/[151223] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 02 [24bit_96kHz] (flac+jpg)/Scans/08.jpg (1.03MB)
CDs/[151223] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 02 [24bit_96kHz] (flac+jpg)/Scans/09.jpg (967.60KB)
CDs/[151223] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 02 [24bit_96kHz] (flac+jpg)/Scans/10.jpg (810.74KB)
CDs/[151223] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 02 [24bit_96kHz] (flac+jpg)/Scans/11.jpg (2.08MB)
CDs/[151223] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 02 [24bit_96kHz] (flac+jpg)/Scans/12.jpg (805.61KB)
CDs/[151223] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 02 [24bit_96kHz] (flac+jpg)/Scans/13.jpg (530.19KB)
CDs/[151223] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 02 [24bit_96kHz] (flac+jpg)/Scans/14.jpg (970.78KB)
CDs/[151223] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 02 [24bit_96kHz] (flac+jpg)/Scans/15.jpg (925.36KB)
CDs/[151223] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 02 [24bit_96kHz] (flac+jpg)/01. 人工の大地 M-1.flac (38.26MB)
CDs/[151223] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 02 [24bit_96kHz] (flac+jpg)/02 . 立ち上がる民衆.flac (27.23MB)
CDs/[151223] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 02 [24bit_96kHz] (flac+jpg)/03. 「機動戦士ガンダムTHE ORIGIN」メインテーマ.flac (70.13MB)
CDs/[151223] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 02 [24bit_96kHz] (flac+jpg)/04. アンダルシアの兄妹.flac (28.70MB)
CDs/[151223] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 02 [24bit_96kHz] (flac+jpg)/05. 苦悩する心たち.flac (32.92MB)
CDs/[151223] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 02 [24bit_96kHz] (flac+jpg)/06. テアボロの危惧.flac (26.76MB)
CDs/[151223] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 02 [24bit_96kHz] (flac+jpg)/07. 母への手紙.flac (39.37MB)
CDs/[151223] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 02 [24bit_96kHz] (flac+jpg)/08. 密航.flac (47.19MB)
CDs/[151223] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 02 [24bit_96kHz] (flac+jpg)/09. サバイバルジャンプ.flac (27.86MB)
CDs/[151223] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 02 [24bit_96kHz] (flac+jpg)/10. ヤシマ父娘の思いやり.flac (34.71MB)
CDs/[151223] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 02 [24bit_96kHz] (flac+jpg)/11. 血塗られたザビ家 C-1.flac (40.75MB)
CDs/[151223] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 02 [24bit_96kHz] (flac+jpg)/12. By Your Side.flac (88.49MB)
CDs/[151223] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 02 [24bit_96kHz] (flac+jpg)/13. エデンの乱闘.flac (21.84MB)
CDs/[151223] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 02 [24bit_96kHz] (flac+jpg)/14. ドズルの頼み.flac (47.42MB)
CDs/[151223] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 02 [24bit_96kHz] (flac+jpg)/15. サイド3 ダーク・コロニー.flac (6.68MB)
CDs/[151223] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 02 [24bit_96kHz] (flac+jpg)/16. 驚異の新兵器.flac (41.62MB)
CDs/[151223] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 02 [24bit_96kHz] (flac+jpg)/17. 思索の塔.flac (41.65MB)
CDs/[151223] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 02 [24bit_96kHz] (flac+jpg)/18. 黒い模擬戦.flac (38.87MB)
CDs/[151223] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 02 [24bit_96kHz] (flac+jpg)/19. By Your Side ~piano solo version~.flac (32.87MB)
CDs/[151223] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 02 [24bit_96kHz] (flac+jpg)/20. 運命の出会い.flac (49.50MB)
CDs/[151223] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 02 [24bit_96kHz] (flac+jpg)/21. 母の訃報.flac (10.10MB)
CDs/[151223] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 02 [24bit_96kHz] (flac+jpg)/22. 名も無き墓標.flac (31.10MB)
CDs/[151223] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 02 [24bit_96kHz] (flac+jpg)/23. テキサス・ホンキートンク.flac (30.31MB)
CDs/[151223] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 02 [24bit_96kHz] (flac+jpg)/24. 制御不能の感情.flac (19.77MB)
CDs/[151223] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 02 [24bit_96kHz] (flac+jpg)/25. 怒りの爆発.flac (24.97MB)
CDs/[151223] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 02 [24bit_96kHz] (flac+jpg)/26. オデッサの激戦 M-4.flac (17.69MB)
CDs/[151223] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 02 [24bit_96kHz] (flac+jpg)/27. By Your Side ~あなたと永遠に~.flac (90.62MB)
CDs/[160518] 「永遠のAstraea」/服部隆之 presents GUNDAM THE ORIGIN featuring 柴咲コウ [24bit_96kHz] (flac+jpg)/01. 永遠のAstraea.flac (111.05MB)
CDs/[160608] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 03 [24bit_96kHz] (flac)/01. 血塗られたザビ家 c. 1.flac (41.29MB)
CDs/[160608] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 03 [24bit_96kHz] (flac)/02. エリートたちの入学式.flac (31.86MB)
CDs/[160608] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 03 [24bit_96kHz] (flac)/03. 過酷な訓練の始まり.flac (34.37MB)
CDs/[160608] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 03 [24bit_96kHz] (flac)/04. リノの疑惑.flac (19.77MB)
CDs/[160608] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 03 [24bit_96kHz] (flac)/05. ミノフスキー・プラン.flac (43.49MB)
CDs/[160608] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 03 [24bit_96kHz] (flac)/06. 重装行軍訓練.flac (30.27MB)
CDs/[160608] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 03 [24bit_96kHz] (flac)/07. 焦燥のガルマ.flac (22.11MB)
CDs/[160608] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 03 [24bit_96kHz] (flac)/08. ガルマの意地と誇り.flac (57.28MB)
CDs/[160608] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 03 [24bit_96kHz] (flac)/09. 母への手紙.flac (39.92MB)
CDs/[160608] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 03 [24bit_96kHz] (flac)/10. シャアの活躍.flac (38.81MB)
CDs/[160608] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 03 [24bit_96kHz] (flac)/11. 立ち上がる民衆.flac (27.77MB)
CDs/[160608] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 03 [24bit_96kHz] (flac)/12. 初めて見るモビルスーツ.flac (25.88MB)
CDs/[160608] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 03 [24bit_96kHz] (flac)/13. 教唆.flac (42.60MB)
CDs/[160608] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 03 [24bit_96kHz] (flac)/14. 密航.flac (47.73MB)
CDs/[160608] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 03 [24bit_96kHz] (flac)/15. マスクのシャア.flac (26.39MB)
CDs/[160608] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 03 [24bit_96kHz] (flac)/16. ガルマ出撃.flac (28.86MB)
CDs/[160608] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 03 [24bit_96kHz] (flac)/17. 奇妙な出会い.flac (30.33MB)
CDs/[160608] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 03 [24bit_96kHz] (flac)/18. 奇襲攻撃開始!.flac (38.63MB)
CDs/[160608] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 03 [24bit_96kHz] (flac)/19. 「機動戦士ガンダムthe origin」メインテーマ.flac (70.67MB)
CDs/[160608] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 03 [24bit_96kHz] (flac)/20. 冷酷な謀殺.flac (43.80MB)
CDs/[160608] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 03 [24bit_96kHz] (flac)/21. 暁の蜂起.flac (38.26MB)
CDs/[160608] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 03 [24bit_96kHz] (flac)/22. 人工の大地 m. 1.flac (38.80MB)
CDs/[160608] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 03 [24bit_96kHz] (flac)/23. ガンダム起動 m. 7.flac (9.24MB)
CDs/[161116] 「宇宙の彼方で」/森口博子 [24bit_96kHz] (flac)/01. 宇宙の彼方で.flac (111.93MB)
CDs/[161116] 「宇宙の彼方で」/森口博子 [24bit_96kHz] (flac)/02. Day by Day...きっと.flac (88.44MB)
CDs/[161116] 「宇宙の彼方で」/森口博子 [24bit_96kHz] (flac)/03. ジャブローのシャア.flac (29.36MB)
CDs/[161116] 「宇宙の彼方で」/森口博子 [24bit_96kHz] (flac)/04. 神秘の萌芽.flac (37.98MB)
CDs/[161116] 「宇宙の彼方で」/森口博子 [24bit_96kHz] (flac)/05. 宇宙の彼方で (Instrumental).flac (108.44MB)
CDs/[161116] 「宇宙の彼方で」/森口博子 [24bit_96kHz] (flac)/06. Day by Day...きっと (Instrumental).flac (83.99MB)
CDs/[161207] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 04 [24bit_96kHz] (flac)/01. 過酷な訓練の始まり.flac (34.35MB)
CDs/[161207] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 04 [24bit_96kHz] (flac)/02. ガルマの意地と誇り.flac (57.26MB)
CDs/[161207] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 04 [24bit_96kHz] (flac)/03. ジャブローのシャア.flac (29.31MB)
CDs/[161207] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 04 [24bit_96kHz] (flac)/04. 不思議な少女 ララァ.flac (11.83MB)
CDs/[161207] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 04 [24bit_96kHz] (flac)/05. カジノ・スターダスト.flac (39.52MB)
CDs/[161207] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 04 [24bit_96kHz] (flac)/06. 神秘の萌芽.flac (37.93MB)
CDs/[161207] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 04 [24bit_96kHz] (flac)/07. シャアの潜在能力.flac (36.87MB)
CDs/[161207] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 04 [24bit_96kHz] (flac)/08. 結ばれた二人の絆.flac (48.98MB)
CDs/[161207] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 04 [24bit_96kHz] (flac)/09. 連邦軍総司令部.flac (12.02MB)
CDs/[161207] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 04 [24bit_96kHz] (flac)/10. ア・バオア・クーのMS-04.flac (34.56MB)
CDs/[161207] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 04 [24bit_96kHz] (flac)/11. ガンダム起動 M-3.flac (12.96MB)
CDs/[161207] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 04 [24bit_96kHz] (flac)/12. 穏やかなグラナダ.flac (34.71MB)
CDs/[161207] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 04 [24bit_96kHz] (flac)/13. 黒い模擬戦.flac (39.39MB)
CDs/[161207] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 04 [24bit_96kHz] (flac)/14. ガンキャノン量産ライン.flac (27.23MB)
CDs/[161207] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 04 [24bit_96kHz] (flac)/15. 亡命決行.flac (30.31MB)
CDs/[161207] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 04 [24bit_96kHz] (flac)/16. キシリア乱舞.flac (54.21MB)
CDs/[161207] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 04 [24bit_96kHz] (flac)/17. 薄明に佇むシャア.flac (31.49MB)
CDs/[161207] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 04 [24bit_96kHz] (flac)/18. シャアの活躍.flac (38.79MB)
CDs/[161207] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 04 [24bit_96kHz] (flac)/19. 奇襲攻撃開始!.flac (38.61MB)
CDs/[161207] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 04 [24bit_96kHz] (flac)/20. スミス海の猛者達.flac (42.34MB)
CDs/[161207] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 04 [24bit_96kHz] (flac)/21. MS完全勝利.flac (19.17MB)
CDs/[161207] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 04 [24bit_96kHz] (flac)/22. 無邪気なお願い.flac (23.65MB)
CDs/[161207] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 04 [24bit_96kHz] (flac)/23. 悲愴、そして決然と.flac (41.29MB)
CDs/[161207] ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS portrait 04 [24bit_96kHz] (flac)/24. 宇宙の彼方で.flac (111.88MB)
CDs/[170920] 「I CAN'T DO ANYTHING -宇宙よ-」/服部隆之 Presents GUNDAM THE ORIGIN featuring AYA [24bit_96kHz] (flac)/01. I CAN'T DO ANYTHING -宇宙よ-.flac (101.57MB)
CDs/[170920] 「I CAN'T DO ANYTHING -宇宙よ-」/服部隆之 Presents GUNDAM THE ORIGIN featuring AYA [24bit_96kHz] (flac)/02. I CAN'T DO ANYTHING -宇宙よ-(Instrumental).flac (97.77MB)
CDs/[180501] 「破線の涙」/山崎まさよし [24bit_96kHz] (flac)/01. 破線の涙.flac (103.14MB)
CDs/[180501] 「破線の涙」/山崎まさよし [24bit_96kHz] (flac)/02. 破線の涙(Instrumental).flac (101.39MB)
CDs/[180530] ~Chronicle of the Loum Battlefield~ ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS (flac)/Cover.jpg (221.50KB)
CDs/[180530] ~Chronicle of the Loum Battlefield~ ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS (flac)/LACA-15725.cue (4.18KB)
CDs/[180530] ~Chronicle of the Loum Battlefield~ ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS (flac)/LACA-15725.flac (316.06MB)
CDs/[180530] ~Chronicle of the Loum Battlefield~ ORIGINAL SOUND TRACKS (flac)/LACA-15725.log (7.97KB)
CDs/[190529] 「宇宙の詩 〜Higher and Higher〜/悲壮美」/LUNA SEA (flac)/01. 宇宙の詩 〜Higher and Higher〜.flac (38.06MB)
CDs/[190529] 「宇宙の詩 〜Higher and Higher〜/悲壮美」/LUNA SEA (flac)/02. 悲壮美.flac (32.29MB)
CDs/[190611] 「めぐりあい 」/SUGIZO feat. GLIM SPANKY [24bit_48kHz] (flac)/01. めぐりあい.flac (67.43MB)
CDs/[190618] 「水の星へ愛をこめて」/SUGIZO feat. コムアイ(水曜日のカンパネラ) [24bit_48kHz] (flac)/01. 水の星へ愛をこめて.flac (56.31MB)
CDs/[190625] 「A Red Ray」/SUGIZO feat. miwa [24bit_48kHz] (flac)/01. A Red Ray.flac (63.10MB)
CDs/[190813] 「光の涯」/SUGIZO feat. アイナ・ジ・エンド(BiSH) [24bit_48kHz] (flac)/01. 光の涯.flac (79.40MB)
CDs/[190906] 「BEYOND THE TIME~メビウスの宇宙を越えて」/LUNA SEA [24bit_48kHz] (flac)/01. BEYOND THE TIME~メビウスの宇宙を越えて~.flac (68.04MB)
Scans/Vol.5/ブックレット/01.jpg (3.11MB)
Scans/Vol.5/ブックレット/02-03.jpg (6.75MB)
Scans/Vol.5/ブックレット/04-05.jpg (2.78MB)
Scans/Vol.5/ブックレット/06-07.jpg (2.83MB)
Scans/Vol.5/ブックレット/08-09.jpg (3.79MB)
Scans/Vol.5/ブックレット/10-11.jpg (6.12MB)
Scans/Vol.5/ブックレット/12.jpg (3.12MB)
Scans/Vol.5/ケース1.jpg (4.99MB)
Scans/Vol.5/ケース2.jpg (4.64MB)
Scans/Vol.5/ジャケ.jpg (6.29MB)
Scans/Vol.5/レーベル.jpg (3.05MB)
Scans/Vol.5/帯.jpg (4.19MB)
Scans/Vol.5/解説書1.jpg (2.62MB)
Scans/Vol.5/解説書2.jpg (1.93MB)
Scans/Vol.6/ブックレット/01.jpg (2.48MB)
Scans/Vol.6/ブックレット/02-03.jpg (5.63MB)
Scans/Vol.6/ブックレット/04-05.jpg (2.71MB)
Scans/Vol.6/ブックレット/06-07.jpg (2.45MB)
Scans/Vol.6/ブックレット/08-09.jpg (4.49MB)
Scans/Vol.6/ブックレット/10-11.jpg (3.97MB)
Scans/Vol.6/ブックレット/12.jpg (3.16MB)
Scans/Vol.6/BD.jpg (2.69MB)
Scans/Vol.6/SD.jpg (1.68MB)
Scans/Vol.6/ケース1.jpg (3.67MB)
Scans/Vol.6/ケース2.jpg (1.17MB)
Scans/Vol.6/ジャケ.jpg (4.89MB)
Scans/Vol.6/帯.jpg (3.21MB)
Scans/Vol.6/解説書1.jpg (1.69MB)
Scans/Vol.6/解説書2.jpg (1.59MB)
SPs/[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [Cast01].png (1.65MB)
SPs/[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [Cast02].png (1.64MB)
SPs/[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [Cast03].png (1.71MB)
SPs/[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [Cast04].png (1.72MB)
SPs/[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [Cast05].png (1.64MB)
SPs/[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [Cast06].png (1.64MB)
SPs/[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [Cast07].png (1.69MB)
SPs/[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [Cast08].png (1.70MB)
SPs/[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [Cast09].png (1.73MB)
SPs/[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [Cast10].png (1.76MB)
SPs/[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [Cast11].png (1.75MB)
SPs/[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [Cast12].png (1.77MB)
SPs/[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [CM01][Ma10p_1080p][x265_flac].mkv (23.04MB)
SPs/[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [CM02][Ma10p_1080p][x265_flac].mkv (25.76MB)
SPs/[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [CM03][Ma10p_1080p][x265_flac].mkv (18.39MB)
SPs/[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [CM04][Ma10p_1080p][x265_flac].mkv (49.06MB)
SPs/[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [CM05][Ma10p_1080p][x265_flac].mkv (18.95MB)
SPs/[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [CM06][Ma10p_1080p][x265_flac].mkv (19.26MB)
SPs/[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [CM07][Ma10p_1080p][x265_flac].mkv (15.81MB)
SPs/[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [Event01][Ma10p_1080p][x265_aac].mkv (996.04MB)
SPs/[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [Event02][Ma10p_1080p][x265_aac].mkv (772.76MB)
SPs/[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [Event03][Ma10p_1080p][x265_aac].mkv (687.02MB)
SPs/[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [Event04][Ma10p_1080p][x265_aac].mkv (607.71MB)
SPs/[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [Event05][Ma10p_1080p][x265_aac].mkv (936.98MB)
SPs/[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [Event06][Ma10p_1080p][x265_aac].mkv (1.09GB)
SPs/[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [Event07][Ma10p_1080p][x265_aac].mkv (1.57GB)
SPs/[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [Event08][Ma10p_1080p][x265_aac].mkv (2.06GB)
SPs/[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [Making][Ma10p_1080p][x265_aac].mkv (1.50GB)
SPs/[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [Menu01_1][Ma10p_1080p][x265_2flac].mkv (42.72MB)
SPs/[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [Menu01_2].png (318.07KB)
SPs/[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [Menu02_1][Ma10p_1080p][x265_2flac].mkv (42.64MB)
SPs/[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [Menu02_2].png (297.31KB)
SPs/[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [Menu03_1][Ma10p_1080p][x265_2flac].mkv (42.64MB)
SPs/[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [Menu03_2].png (308.44KB)
SPs/[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [Menu04_1][Ma10p_1080p][x265_2flac].mkv (42.66MB)
SPs/[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [Menu04_2].png (313.83KB)
SPs/[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [Menu05_1][Ma10p_1080p][x265_2flac].mkv (42.67MB)
SPs/[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [Menu05_2].png (310.52KB)
SPs/[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [Menu06_1][Ma10p_1080p][x265_2flac].mkv (42.65MB)
SPs/[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [Menu06_2].png (242.65KB)
SPs/[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [Menu06_SP].png (1.55MB)
SPs/[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [PV01][Ma10p_1080p][x265_flac].mkv (98.56MB)
SPs/[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [PV02][Ma10p_1080p][x265_flac].mkv (100.58MB)
SPs/[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [PV03][Ma10p_1080p][x265_flac].mkv (128.58MB)
SPs/[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [PV04][Ma10p_1080p][x265_flac].mkv (99.97MB)
SPs/[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [PV05][Ma10p_1080p][x265_flac].mkv (92.32MB)
SPs/[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [PV06][Ma10p_1080p][x265_flac].mkv (92.09MB)
SPs/[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [PV07][Ma10p_1080p][x265_flac].mkv (117.27MB)
SPs/[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [PV08][Ma10p_1080p][x265_flac].mkv (92.77MB)
SPs/[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [PV09][Ma10p_1080p][x265_flac].mkv (108.93MB)
SPs/[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [PV10][Ma10p_1080p][x265_flac].mkv (107.97MB)
SPs/[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [PV11][Ma10p_1080p][x265_flac].mkv (119.38MB)
SPs/[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [PV12][Ma10p_1080p][x265_flac].mkv (94.95MB)
SPs/[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [PV13][Ma10p_1080p][x265_flac].mkv (87.22MB)
SPs/[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [PV14][Ma10p_1080p][x265_flac].mkv (87.63MB)
SPs/[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [PV15][Ma10p_1080p][x265_flac].mkv (111.12MB)
SPs/[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [PV16][Ma10p_1080p][x265_flac].mkv (90.61MB)
SPs/[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [PV17][Ma10p_1080p][x265_flac].mkv (73.35MB)
SPs/[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [PV18][Ma10p_1080p][x265_flac].mkv (45.78MB)
SPs/[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [PV19][Ma10p_1080p][x265_2flac].mkv (166.57MB)
SPs/[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [PV20][Ma10p_1080p][x265_2flac].mkv (166.72MB)
SPs/[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [PV21][Ma10p_1080p][x265_2flac].mkv (158.78MB)
SPs/[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [PV22][Ma10p_1080p][x265_2flac].mkv (159.07MB)
SPs/[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [PV23][Ma10p_1080p][x265_flac].mkv (80.28MB)
SPs/[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [PV24][Ma10p_1080p][x265_flac].mkv (49.57MB)
SPs/[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [PV25][Ma10p_1080p][x265_2flac].mkv (126.70MB)
SPs/[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [PV26][Ma10p_1080p][x265_2flac].mkv (68.95MB)
SPs/[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [PV27][Ma10p_1080p][x265_2flac].mkv (76.84MB)
SPs/[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [PV28][Ma10p_1080p][x265_2flac].mkv (61.01MB)
SPs/[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [PV29][Ma10p_1080p][x265_2flac].mkv (117.49MB)
SPs/[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [PV30][Ma10p_1080p][x265_2flac].mkv (64.47MB)
SPs/[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [Staff01].png (1.84MB)
SPs/[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [Staff02].png (1.90MB)
SPs/[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [Staff03].png (1.87MB)
SPs/[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [Staff04].png (1.91MB)
SPs/[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [Staff05].png (1.86MB)
SPs/[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [Staff06].png (1.93MB)
SPs/[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [Staff07].png (1.87MB)
SPs/[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [Staff08].png (1.92MB)
SPs/[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [Staff09].png (1.86MB)
SPs/[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [Staff10].png (1.93MB)
SPs/[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [Staff11].png (1.87MB)
SPs/[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [Staff12].png (1.94MB)
[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [01][Ma10p_1080p][x265_flac].mka (2.71GB)
[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [01][Ma10p_1080p][x265_flac].mkv (2.46GB)
[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [02][Ma10p_1080p][x265_flac].mka (2.61GB)
[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [02][Ma10p_1080p][x265_flac].mkv (2.55GB)
[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [03][Ma10p_1080p][x265_flac].mka (3.07GB)
[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [03][Ma10p_1080p][x265_flac].mkv (2.97GB)
[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [04][Ma10p_1080p][x265_flac].mka (3.19GB)
[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [04][Ma10p_1080p][x265_flac].mkv (3.04GB)
[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [05][Ma10p_1080p][x265_flac].mka (3.87GB)
[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [05][Ma10p_1080p][x265_flac].mkv (3.62GB)
[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [06][Ma10p_1080p][x265_flac].mka (3.99GB)
[VCB-Studio] Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin [06][Ma10p_1080p][x265_flac].mkv (3.49GB)
일간 베스트
주간 베스트   



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Keywords: 토렌트 - [VCB-Studio] 기동전사 건담 THE ORIGIN [Ma10p_1080p] 토렌트 - [VCB-Studio] 기동전사 건담 THE ORIGIN [Ma10p_1080p]